New Normal

Mrs. Mieczkowski’s Sixth Graders have been working hard during our “New Normal” of remote learning.  Every Friday we like to take it down and enjoy a little “Fun Learning”.  This past Friday  they had an art class and were able to create and present their own color wheel using things they can find around their house.  The sixth graders had a great time my! We are so blessed with our teachers creativity!

Happy Cinco de Mayo!!

ACS’ grade 4 students read a Cinco de Mayo Children’s book together followed by a video of a fiesta to celebrate the Mexican Army’s victory over the French Empire at the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862. We then created our own maracas using items around the house such as Easter eggs or cups and rice or pasta!

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Knock Knock, Teacher’s Here

Today, ACS teachers paid a surprise visit to their Principal’s house to wish her a Happy Principal’s Day! Keeping social-distancing, the visit was filled with happy signs, flowers and tears of joy. Hats off to the great principal Mrs. Shumny and our caring teachers. We are truly a family at ACS in Perth Amboy, NJ  and we would love you to be part of us!

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Our Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten classes have been working hard from home!

PK: For Earth Day they listened to songs and a story on YouTube and made pictures of the beautiful Earth God created for us.  They have also been practicing their shapes and numbers and doing activities for each letter in their name! Even Ms. Cuff did a cartwheel!
Kinder: Mrs. D had a terrific morning meeting, held regular classes and had 100% participation!! Each of the students shared about their day and got to their daily assignments.  The class ended with their creative teacher showing them how to make a flower out of a regular napkin!

Thank you Ms. Cuff and Mrs. Derevenska for all your efforts and for takin such good care of our little ones!

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A Great Classmate

An ACS Shoutout goes to Mrs. Mieczkowski’s amazing sixth grade class! They worked on publishing a book together and it is beautiful! Below is a sneak peak of “A Great Classmate”.  The book is dedicated to Father Ivan and ACS families and it shows great collaboration, creativity and talent! Great job ACS Class of 2022 and their dedicated teacher for working on this project!

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Happy Easter!

We wish all of our students but especially the graduating class of 2020 a blessed Easter Weekend. My friends, even though we are celebrating Easter in a very different way this year, let us remember when we face adversity, like the early disciples did, we will find our way through it, because God is with us through it all. God is there with us through every Good Friday of our life and at the end there is always a Resurrection and a new life!

We pray for an end to this pandemic, when we can see you all back at the school. We wish you all a very Blessed and Happy Easter. The Lord is Risen, Alleluia!

Happy Fun Friday

“Happy Fun Friday” our sixth graders were able to enjoy an indoor scavenger hunt with Mrs. Mieczkowski.  Some items that needed to be found was an item shaped like a cylinder, an item with a slimy texture and some appliances.  These amazing students have been working very hard these last three weeks, they have mentioned some pros of distant learning, being able to work in their pajamas, being able to work at their own pace while their cons were they missed their friends and teacher very much.  Your teacher misses you just as much!! #distancelearning #funfridays #ACS

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Fifth Grade News

It was wacky Friday today for Mrs. Lawrence’s fifth graders. Oh my! You would be very impressed with the enthusiasm and spirit that students put into their appearances. There were colored glasses, multiples of hats, hair accessories, holiday clothing, and extra items galore. The regular agenda was replaced with games and activities based on the curriculum. At the end of the academic day, all fifth graders gave a two thumbs up for this wonderfully wacky day! Pre-K also had fun! They had a wonderful neighborhood scavenger hunt.  It is great to see our little ones! We miss them!

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Religious Class by Fr. Ivan

Two weeks ago the Classes of 2020, 2021, and 2022 met with our pastor, Father Ivan for an informative morning about our beautiful church.  Father Ivan took time to explain the similarities and differences in the Latin Rite Catholic Church and the Ukrainian Catholic Church. The classes learned that we are much more alike than we are different.

Father explained the importance of the icons found around the altar, as well as the beautiful mosaic of our Blessed Mother located behind the altar. He also explained the uniqueness of the painted story of life located on the walls above the pews of the Church. The artist,Jacques Hnizdovsky, did this particular work just for the members of our Assumption Catholic Church, There is no other one like it in the whole world! The morning came to a close with many happy students taking away a better understanding of the church that we attend as a school and parish community every Friday for Divine Liturgy.

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