Whole School Spirituality Day

Pre-Kinder: Read the book “God Gave Us Easter” By Lisa Tawn Bergren and made our beautiful craft.
We colored our Lent book, completed  our craft and did a Simon says Religion game
In first grade we celebrated spirituality day by watching The Story of Easter. As a class we silently reflected what Jesus did on the cross for us. During art, First Grade made a handprint sign craft. The best part was using green paint to make their handprints. We ended the day by coloring an Easter Book.
Second grade spent their Holy Thursday, Spiritual Day learning more about Holy Week, creating a Holy Week Wheel & an Easter Story book. They were also very grateful for the crafts that Mrs. Shumny sent to 2nd grade.  They all agree that putting their handprints on their craft was the best part of their craft
Third grade completed a stained glass project working side by side with the eighth graders. They first used permanent markers to draw their picture and then color it. They finally painted any area white that they had not colored with markers. They all loved their finished product so much that they showed Mrs Shumny and Father Ivan. The Class of 2022 had fun with the Class of 2027. What is the next project Miss Shumny??
Honoring Holy Week with a poster-fourth graders put their heart and soul into it. Well done, fourth graders!
Fifth grade made the a beautiful Cross craft, watched videos from Mrs Lawrence’s suggested list  and did a rough Religion word search
Middle School performed the Living Stations for the rest of the school on Holy Thursday. The sixth grade contributed with their beautiful rendition of Beneath the Cross while seventh and eighth grade performed each station. The rest of the school participated by praying the Our Father and Hail Mary with the eighth readers.
In addition to the Living Stations sixth, seventh,and eighth grade stained glass portraits using permanent markers and picture frames. They also worked on Holy Week crafts to close out their very busy week.
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Easter Bunny Visits ACS

Students in grade Pk – 4 were treated to an Easter egg hunt by the Class of 2022. The eighth grade students filled over 500 hundred eggs  for the lower grade students. Much to the surprise of the children, they got to meet with the Easter bunny! Everyone had a fun time and returned to their classes to open their eggs to see what the bunny gave them. The Class of 2022 gives a special shout out to Mrs. Czaban for arranging to have the Easter bunny make a special trip to ACS.
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Artsy Thursday with Pre-kindergarten and Kindergarten:

Our young students made rain boots in a puddle! We practiced our coloring, cutting, and pasting skills; a perfect project for a rainy day. We also went to our Middle schools wax museum to learn about many scientists. A fun day all around.
AND… Today was our last celebration for the Week of the Young Child. We took all of our pictures from our fun activities and pictures families sent in from home and made creative collages together!
***The Week of the Young Child is an annual celebration sponsored by the National Association for the Education of Young Children. This is a time to recognize that children’s opportunities are our responsibility, and to recommit ourselves to ensuring that every child experiences the type of learning environment that will promote their early learning. We know the importance of children’s earliest years in shaping their relationship with God, learning and development.***
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Living Wax Museum

After completing research and writing a paper on a scientist that has contributed to change in the world, the students in middle school decided to share their findings with the lower grades. They constructed posters with important facts about the lives of the scientist and then dressed as the scientist. The younger grades visited the museum and were impressed by what they saw. Some of them expressed that they can’t wait until it is their turn to do the same project. The middle school students did a great job holding a pose and their posters were very informative to the other students.

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Week of the Young Child

Prek and K read books with our 7th and 8th grade buddies. Prek and K also worked together in groups to build a town with all different types of blocks! All grades had a fun time working together. 

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Tasty Tuesday

Prek and K baked delicious muffins. We practiced our math skills while measuring and following step by step instructions. Our aprons and chef hats made it even more fun. We sent home a muffin for our families to taste!
Day 2 of Week of the Young Child – an annual celebration sponsored by the National Association for the Education of Young Children. This is a time to recognize that children’s opportunities are our responsibility, and to recommit ourselves to ensuring that every child experiences the type of learning environment that will promote their early learning. We know the importance of children’s earliest years in shaping their relationship with God, learning and development.
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“Candyland – Part 2”

Second Grade ran quite the scrumptious Candy Store today.  As a conclusion to their math unit on money, second grade honed their money counting skills while learning how to create a marketing & advertising campaign and finally, opening their store to grades K-8 for one day only.  Our entrepreneurs made a store sign, created their own flyers and went class to class, promoting their store. In addition, each second grader was tasked with selling a single type of candy for a quarter, dime or nickel.  Happy chatter and the clink of coins could be heard as our ACS students checked out the variety of candies for sale.  It was a sweet and successful day!
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ACS Pre-K and Kindergarten

Celebrating the Week of the Young Child, April 4th-8th 

The Week of the Young Child is an annual celebration sponsored by the National Association for the Education of Young Children. This is a time to recognize that children’s opportunities are our responsibility, and to recommit ourselves to ensuring that every child experiences the type of learning environment that will promote their early learning. We know the importance of children’s earliest years in shaping their relationship with God, learning and development. 

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Spring Has Sprung!

Kindergarten has been bitten with the springtime bug. They could be found buzzing happily making handprint butterflies. Each student traced their own hand and then cut them out, followed by decoration of their “butterflies”. Next, they attached a straw and colored cotton for the body. They added eyes and were then ready to fly into spring.
The next day keeping with their spring feel, students made handprint sunflowers. They once again traced their hands, but this time it was eight prints that they needed. Next they glued a stem and leaves to a blue piece of construction paper. They next put their handprints in a circle to make the flower. Finally, they added a brown construction paper circle to represent the center of the flower. What a great way to welcome Spring!