ACS Pre-K and Kindergarten

Celebrating the Week of the Young Child, April 4th-8th 

The Week of the Young Child is an annual celebration sponsored by the National Association for the Education of Young Children. This is a time to recognize that children’s opportunities are our responsibility, and to recommit ourselves to ensuring that every child experiences the type of learning environment that will promote their early learning. We know the importance of children’s earliest years in shaping their relationship with God, learning and development. 

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Spring Has Sprung!

Kindergarten has been bitten with the springtime bug. They could be found buzzing happily making handprint butterflies. Each student traced their own hand and then cut them out, followed by decoration of their “butterflies”. Next, they attached a straw and colored cotton for the body. They added eyes and were then ready to fly into spring.
The next day keeping with their spring feel, students made handprint sunflowers. They once again traced their hands, but this time it was eight prints that they needed. Next they glued a stem and leaves to a blue piece of construction paper. They next put their handprints in a circle to make the flower. Finally, they added a brown construction paper circle to represent the center of the flower. What a great way to welcome Spring!

Women’s History Month

“A strong woman knows she has strength enough for the journey, but a woman of strength knows it is in the journey where she will become strong.” For Women’s History Month 2022, the 3rd grade chose and researched influential women, whom have shaped the world we live in today. They learned that through challenges and the struggles these women faced, they didn’t let anything stop them. They accumulated information and had the opportunity to complete their first poster project with decor and all. Way to go third grade!
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Report on the Humanitarian Aid for Ukraine.

Thank you all for your solidarity in helping the people of Ukraine. We are overwhelmed by the response from our local community and our parishioners. I cannot help but to remind you that many of our parishioners have families and friends now caught up in a senseless war. They need our help and the Assumption Catholic Parish and School working tirelessly to provide humanitarian assistance to the people of Ukraine. This is what we did so far:
1.We sent checks totaling $23,500 to the Ukrainian Catholic Archdiocese of Philadelphia Humanitarian Aid Fund. This total includes $10,000 from our parish and over $13,500 in checks sent to us but written to Ukrainian Archeparchy. Also, many of our parishioners send their checks directly to the Ukrainian Archeparchy. You can still donate on the Philadelphia Archdiocese’s website and click on Donate through PAYPAL and select  “WAR VICTIMS AND HUMANITARIAN CRISIS IN UKRAINE”
 2. We sent a check of $10,000 to the Ukrainian Hero Fund in Chicago that will be used to buy protective military gear for the soldiers.
3. Helped, Anna Maria US ($500) and Collegium Musicum ($550) with shipping of items that will be assembled to Medical Rescue Kits and delivered to paramedics “Hospitallers” directly to the fields and hospitals in Ukraine.
 4. We have been collecting medical supplies for the past three weeks and spent a lot of time sorting and boxing up those donations. With a little muscle and a lot of faith, recently we sent 27 boxes (987 lb) of medical supplies to Ukraine. The 2 palets of supplies were sent to Sambir – Drohobych Seminary, to the attention of Bishop Hryhoriy Komar, an Auxiliary bishop of Sambir– Drohobych Eparchy, who has contacts with hospitals, soldiers units and refugees that now are living in the seminary and in the city. Bishop Komar, seminarians, priest chaplains will distribute our goods to the Ukrainian soldiers, hospitals and refugees. Thanks to the MEEST parcel delivery company for the discount on shipping, we paid $2,270.10 in shipment. We are preparing another shipment of medical supplies to Ukraine.
5. Planing to organize a Parish meeting with immigration lawyers to guide people through a mound of paperwork when applying for Temporary Protected Status. If any Ukrainian speaking Immigration Attorney willing to come and speak to our parishioners, please call Fr. Turyk 202 368 2408.
5. Through faith, so many people have donated, folks we’ve never heard of and folks we don’t know. Churches, Assumption school parents and individuals from all over NJ. Right now, we’re actually taking a pause in collecting any supplies because what we hear from our colleagues who are working around the clock in Ukraine, on the ground, is that money is what will help people the fastest.
For the monetary donation, you can write a check to Assumption Catholic Church, leave your donation at the school office or send it to our parish office at Assumption Church, 684 Alta Vista Pl, Perth Amboy, NJ 08861.  
 May God bless all of you! Together to Victory!

God Protect Ukraine and God Bless the United States of America!

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The six steps of research

Ms. Shumny’s third grade class learned about the six steps of research: identifying the area of study, choosing the topic, formulating a research plan, collecting and then analyzing the data and then finally writing up the study.  

Working in groups of two or three, every student had to create a safety feature to protect an egg from falling 1 yard. Oh how creative they were! Contraptions to protect the egg ranged from simple to complex (with glitter!) and the students really had the opportunity to test their theories.  

Then the fun part came… testing it out. 

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Lenten Retreat

Assumption Catholic School students gathered in Church for Divine Liturgy celebrating the feast of the Annunciation. It was also a very special day for two reasons. First, Pope Francis consecrated both Ukraine and Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Secondly, students were introduced to Father Ihor Kolisnyk who gave a beautiful sermon. 
Father Ihor is spending the weekend at the parish hosting a parish mission. Father Ivan told the students they were the first to hear Father Ihor speak. Our third graders were very lucky to represent the students of ACS at the end of the liturgy in presenting yellow and blue carnations to the Blessed Mother. What a wonderful way to show our faith in our Holy Mother on the day we ask Her protection for the people of Ukraine.

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ACS Family School Association Board.

Our ACS Family School Association Board is amazing.  The time and effort they put into every project leaves us all in awe.  From the Virtual Christmas Bazaar to this weeks prayer vigil and pancake breakfast, they truly give our children wonderful experiences and give back thousands for the general upkeep of our school.
Pictured below is a $5,000 check we received from Investors Bank for the planning of the 2022 IN PERSON Christmas Bazaar (with God’s grace).
To Investors, our ACS Board, and all our parents who support with Gertrude Hawk candy sales, raffle tickets, clothing drives and all our fundraising efforts THANK YOU!
-Mrs. Shumny and Father Ivan

How was St. Patrick’s Day celebrated?

2nd grade all green. We made shamrocks in Religion that remind us what we learned about the Holy Trinity. 

Grades 3 to 8 went to Confession today and we all learned about St. Patrick!  

Prek and grade 5 made leprechaun traps together. They had a leprechaun chase on Go Noodle and had green Oreos for snack. In math, second grade worked on pot o’ gold addition and subtraction riddles. For penmanship, we practiced St. Patrick’s Breastplate in cursive. After our delicious lunch, Ms. Shumny treated 2nd & 3rd grade to a mini-dance party. 

Kindergarten and third grade had a green bagel breakfast and a super fun dance party! 

The whole middle school did a compare and contrast project of St. Patrick and St. Joseph! So very interesting!  

Fourth graders celebrated Saint Patrick’s day with the arts. We learned how to draw a leprechaun while listening to Irish Celtic music. Some of us were even “Irish jigging” in our seats. 

The FSA treated all the students to a delicious pancake breakfast with whipped cream and green sprinkles!  

YET, the BIG excitement came from…. 

ACS had a very special visitor on St Patrick’s Day. It all started when the members of the 21CLC STEM club decided to see if they could catch a Leprechaun on St Patrick’s Day. They designed and made different style traps with lures of gold coins to entice the Leprechaun. The next thing they did was place them in strategic places like the principal’s office, outside Pre K , Kindergarten, grades one, two and three. Then they waited. Surely, one of these traps would catch the leprechaun trying to steal the gold. But, at each and every trap they found the same note that read: “ Dear Students, Happy St. Patrick’s Day You almost caught me with your trap! Too bad, you didn’t catch me, I’m too quick for you! Thanks for the gold! Better luck next time!” 

Oh well, maybe next year’s STEM club will design a better trap. 

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ACS Students learn about an Icon: Taras Shevchenko

March 9 is a day to celebrate a legendary Ukrainian, Taras Shevchenko. He was born a serf on March 9, 1814, and after a hard childhood, he experienced a series of lucky breaks that gained him entry to a prestigious art school and also his freedom from servitude. What he is truly famous for is altering the landscape of modern Ukrainian literature, with the publication of his collection of poems titled “Kobzar.” Students of all ages enjoyed coloring his portrait (based on a portrait he painted of himself), viewing some of his oil paintings, hearing the English versions of some of his most famous poems, including “Zapovit / My Testament” and “Sadok Vyshnevyy Kolo Khaty / The Cherry Orchard by the House” and even got to listen to some of the songs written that use his poems for lyrics. Many of the students were truly moved by hearing his words that still ring true today.