Liberty Science Center Field trip
May The Fourth Be With You
All the teachers were given handballs that they used to practice exercises in rhythm, visual tracking, and movement. It sounds simple but all the exercises needed some practice. A metronome was used for a regular rhythm to do things such as V-ball clap over and V-ball behind the back. There may be a lot of ball bouncing in the future at ACS as the teachers left the professional development inspired by a new skill to help their students.
[gallery type="rectangular" size="medium" ids="9951,9952,9953,9954"]ACS Celebrates Mrs Shumny
During the day classes brought cards and tributes to Mrs Shumny in her office where she spent time making the classes from the youngest to the oldest feel special. We hope that it was a super special day for you Mrs Shumny, the best principal any school could ever ask for.!
[gallery type="rectangular" size="medium" ids="9945,9946,9947,9948"]Lego Club
This week we celebrated our last Lego Club of the year. Our 1st and 2nd graders enjoyed a year filled of creative builds and different challenges. This week we celebrated the end of Lego club by watching an episode of Lego masters and enjoyed some popcorn while we completed a free style Lego build.
Open House!
ACS National Junior Honor Society 2022
Special Persons Day at Assumption Catholic School
ACS Easter Food Collection
Good Friday Vespers and Procession with Holy Shroud
On Good Friday morning, April 15, 2022 ACS students along with the parishioners of Ukrainian Assumption Catholic Church in Perth Amboy, NJ participated at the moving service called solemn Vespers with the burial procession bearing the Holy Shroud or Plashchanitsa. The “plashchanitsa” is a winding sheet with the picture of Christ’s body lying dead in the tomb. After the procession inside the Church, the shroud was laid out for veneration on a replica of the sepulcher. Fr. Ivan in his homily remarked that the world is haunted by Calvaries. Today, Calvary is found in Ukraine, where the innocent blood is poured from the bodies of men, women, and children who are defending their homeland. He invited everyone to enter into the mystery of the Calvary and the tomb of Christ, putting our hopes and prayers into the great news that the Lord has Risen.
This year, the service was also attended by members of St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in Perth Amboy, NJ. The Rev. E. F. Michael Morgan, Ph.D., Interim Priest of the congregation, offered brief remarks about the tender love of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior who through his death on the cross invites us to walk in the way of his suffering, and share in his Resurrection.
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