Special Persons Day at Assumption Catholic School
ACS Easter Food Collection
Good Friday Vespers and Procession with Holy Shroud
On Good Friday morning, April 15, 2022 ACS students along with the parishioners of Ukrainian Assumption Catholic Church in Perth Amboy, NJ participated at the moving service called solemn Vespers with the burial procession bearing the Holy Shroud or Plashchanitsa. The “plashchanitsa” is a winding sheet with the picture of Christ’s body lying dead in the tomb. After the procession inside the Church, the shroud was laid out for veneration on a replica of the sepulcher. Fr. Ivan in his homily remarked that the world is haunted by Calvaries. Today, Calvary is found in Ukraine, where the innocent blood is poured from the bodies of men, women, and children who are defending their homeland. He invited everyone to enter into the mystery of the Calvary and the tomb of Christ, putting our hopes and prayers into the great news that the Lord has Risen.
This year, the service was also attended by members of St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in Perth Amboy, NJ. The Rev. E. F. Michael Morgan, Ph.D., Interim Priest of the congregation, offered brief remarks about the tender love of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior who through his death on the cross invites us to walk in the way of his suffering, and share in his Resurrection.
[gallery type="rectangular" size="medium" ids="9896,9897,9898,9899,9900,9901"]Whole School Spirituality Day
Easter Bunny Visits ACS
Artsy Thursday with Pre-kindergarten and Kindergarten:
Living Wax Museum
After completing research and writing a paper on a scientist that has contributed to change in the world, the students in middle school decided to share their findings with the lower grades. They constructed posters with important facts about the lives of the scientist and then dressed as the scientist. The younger grades visited the museum and were impressed by what they saw. Some of them expressed that they can’t wait until it is their turn to do the same project. The middle school students did a great job holding a pose and their posters were very informative to the other students.
[gallery type="rectangular" size="medium" ids="9858,9859,9860,9861,9862,9863"]Week of the Young Child
Prek and K read books with our 7th and 8th grade buddies. Prek and K also worked together in groups to build a town with all different types of blocks! All grades had a fun time working together.
[gallery type="rectangular" size="medium" ids="9850,9851,9852,9853,9854,9855"]Spring is in the air in 1st grade!
First grade welcomed spring by writing about what they like about spring, and expressed their excitement for spring through their spring drawings.