ACS students measure up


The relationship between math and science is shown in projects coordinated by Ms. Makar and Mrs. Pickering.

A Measuring Project was done by the 6th, 7th, and 8th grades. Teams used the metric system to hypothesize, then measure lengths, widths, and circumferences of items such as shoes and the distance from their nose to their fingertips! Ms. Makar used the data in math classes to graph, find percentages, and estimate. The students used the scientific method to prove their hypothesis right or wrong.

ACS students learned that math and science can be used in every day tasks.

The Pampered Chef pampers parents

Parents, friends, and relatives were pampered at ACS the evening of October 18th by Gail Santamaria from The Pampered Chef. "This is the first time we had them. Turn-out was good and they have great kitchen products," said Mrs. Shumny, coordinator of the event.

Credits from sales go to a worthy cause – purchasing needed items for the ACS Annual Holiday Bazaar on November 11.

"Pampered Chef pampers parents, try and say that five times fast," joked Mrs. Shumny!

The parable of the Pharisee and the Publican

We heard a lovely story of a Catholic teacher who was teaching the Pharisee and the Publican. In the manner of many primary school teachers she summed up by repeating the main message. To her horror she heard herself saying, “And so, children, aren't we all pleased that we are not like that Pharisee who….”

Students, you can read the Pharisee and the Publican by clicking on it here. Which is the Pharisee and which is the publican (referred to as a "tax collector") in the picture? What was wrong with the teacher's remark about the too-proud Pharisee? Check back here for the answers next week.

High school decision already? Where did all those years go?

8th grade students and their families will make an important decision soon. Those considering Catholic high schools have indicated the schools they are interested in and will take the required entrance exams.

ACS 7th and 8th grade students saw video and slide presentations from diocesan and independent Catholic high schools. The students were given literature, folders, and small gifts to help them remember the presentations. 8th grade students can choose a school to visit as "freshman for a day."

See our list of local Catholic high schools with contact information and websites.

The November test results will come back in January. Then, a decision must be made because registration is already in February!

ACS students are acting up

Marissa, Rebecca, and Alex

No, they didn't misbehave!

Actors Rebecca Castro and Alexander Mosko, ACS '04, along with Marissa Castro, ACS class of '08 have prominent roles in the St. Joseph High School Theatre Company (SJHSTC) presentation of the famous play, "The Diary of Anne Frank."

Anne Frank

Anne's diary contains the thoughts and feelings of a teenage Jewish girl during WWII. The diary was written while hiding from ruthless Nazi’s who were looking to harm Jews. She hid in a small attic for an incredible 25 months with her family and other refugees.

A famous quote from the play shows her optimism even during the terror of the times. She wrote, "Despite everything, I believe that people are really good at heart."

Performances are November 8, 9, and 10 at 7:30 PM and November 11 at 3:00 PM at St. Joseph High School in Metuchen.

Alexander is the St. Joseph High School Thespian president and Rebecca is secretary.

It's a play truly worth seeing.

ACS Holiday Bazaar


"Preparations for the holiday bazaar are in full swing and it looks to be a fun day for all," says Mrs. Glenys Bilolohowski, president of the ACS Family and School Association (FSA).

"Come by with your family, meet friends, and have a great afternoon," adds Mrs. Shumny, chairperson of the bazaar, "and if you are interested in being a vendor, or know someone that might be interested, call me at 732-967-9511."
ACS has been running an annual holiday bazaar since 1968; one of the longest running holiday bazaar's in the area. A real family event; there are games, raffles, prizes, crafts, and great food. It will be held Sunday, November 11. Doors are open 11:30 AM to 5:00 PM.
Mark your calendar for November 11!

Church interior renovations wrap up

Ceiling artwork was cleaned

"The school children have come back to a beautifully restored church," says Father Roman, Assumption Church pastor. "For most of the summer, the church was filled with huge scaffolding! All of the artwork was painstakingly restored or re-gilded, the walls were painted, a new confessional was built, and a decorative wall treatment was done for the Stations of the Cross," he added.

A film of dirt collected in the 30 years since the last major renovation; just from normal use. Restorers use a special cleaner that removes dirt but preserves the artwork. Gilding is either painted on, or done with incredibly thin sheets of real gold; so thin that light goes through it!

The renovations are being done in preparation for the 100 year Jubilee of the Assumption parish in 2008.

A new confessional was built

A decorative treatment was added for each Station of the Cross.

Icons were cleaned and re-gilded.

Website improvements

Do you know what a mural is?
Do you know what a vestibule is?
You will if you look them up in the Picture Dictionary !

Check out the new picture of Easter eggs (pysanky) in the Picture Dictionary. These masterpieces were done by a former ACS student, Mr. Charles Patulak, ACS '73.

Hey, even we goof up once in a while! We thought there were nine parables depicted in stained glass in the church. We found another one. Guess where? In the baby's crying room! It's called, "The Great Supper." Look it up under Parables and you can read it. It's a good one.

ACS grads shine in high school

Jacqueline Somogyi, ACS '05 – a junior at Mother Seton Regional HS, took the SAT's as a sophomore last June and scored 2300 out of a possible 2400. Jacqueline traveled to Paris, France this past summer to take French language and literature courses.

Paul Rosato, ACS '06 – a freshman at Cardinal McCarrick High School is part of the Music Ministry.

Alexander Mosko and Rebecca Castro ACS '04, and Marissa Castro, ACS class of '08 – have prominent parts in "The Diary of Anne Frank" with the St. Joseph High School Theatre Company (SJHSTC), Metuchen, NJ. The show dates are November 8-11, 2007.
More details on this soon!

Alex was recently inducted into the St. Joseph High School French and Art National Honor Societies (NHS) and is a soloist in the Liturgical Choir there. He was recently invited to be an apprentice in the professional Ukrainian Dance Company, "Syzokryli" from New York City.

ACS builds confident, happy, and successful children!

If you know of any ACS graduates excelling in high school, please write to the webmaster on the Contact Us page. Note their name, achievement, date of graduation from ACS, the high school that they are attending, and any other information that may be of interest.

Playground to get a smoothing over (Update)

Update October 8, 2007 – "The playground coating is postponed until spring," says Mr. Baralecki. "The suppliers could not get us the coating in time, the weather is changing, and leaves are beginning to fall. No problem, the cracks are all filled and we'll complete the job in the spring," he added.

October 2, 2007 – Weeds and debris have been removed and the cracks have been filled; now the playground is ready to be coated. "Weather permitting, we plan to coat the entire playground on Saturday, October 6," says Mr. Peter Baralecki, Holy Name Society (HNS) vice president and project chairman.

Mr. Charles Boyko, co-chairman of the project offered, "Not only will the newly-coated playground have a nice, smooth jet-black appearance, but if a child falls, any scrape on the knee will be a bit less severe." The coating will also reduce future cracking and help the asphalt pavement to last longer according to Mr. Boyko.

The men of the Assumption parish Holy Name Society (HNS) do many good works around the church and school.

Mr. Baralecki added in closing,"Several HNS members who attended ACS all remember how much fun we had playing here!"

Thank you to the Assumption Church HNS!