Catholic Schools Week Update

Tuesday, February 1, 2011 – Spirit Day
Spirit Day was celebrated with a no uniform day. Students wore school colors and the afternoon brought a pep rally led by the Class of 2011. The afternoon started with the students that wore their crazy hats to school on Monday parading across the stage for all of the grades to see their great creations.  Next the eighth grade Student council acknowledged January birthdays. Students having a birthday in January were called to the stage where they were given a certificate and a lollipop. The whole school then sang Happy Birthday to the group. Club members were the next to be called to the center of the room.  As each club was called members introduced themselves and gave their grade. The day ended with the eighth grade girls leading the whole school in a very loud “Bulldogs” cheer.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011 – NO SCHOOL DUE TO ICE STORM

Thursday, February 3, 2011
The eighth grade students were science teachers for grades K through 5. They planned and taught a science lesson to their assigned class. One of the lessons that the eighth graders said they had learned was that teaching is not as easy as it looks. The prep work for even one lesson was time consuming. Class control even with the teacher in the class was not easy. However, they all said that they greatly enjoyed the experience.

Thursday afternoon was the big volleyball game between the faculty and the Class of 2011. The whole school came to the auditorium for the match. After some practice time both sides were ready to play. In the end the match played out to a 9 – 9 tie. Everyone had a great time whether they were spectators or participants.

Friday, February 4, 2011
What could be better than a 12:30 dismissal to end our celebration of Catholic Schools Week? The Classes of 2011, 2012, and 2013 tried to make the day even better by sponsoring a School Spirit Carnival. They made their own games, constructed booths and gave the rest of the school a fun morning.

We’ve got the spirit!

On Tuesday, February 1st, 2011 students at  Assumption School had their first pep rally of the new year in hopes to raise our school’s spirit! On that day,  there was also a variety of different hats roaming the hallways because it was Hat Day.  The pep rallies most spirited grade was the 8th grade. When Fr. Ivan  asked a few students on how spirited they were for the rally, one student  proclaimed, “On a scale from 1-10, I think I broke the scale!!” So, all in all, the pep rally was a success! Everyone looked pepped up and school spirited.

Student Faculty Volleyball Game

Like many Catholic schools nationwide, Assumption Catholic School is celebrating the week with daily themes and fun activities scheduled for students, faculty and parents to enjoy.  This past Thursday, laughter and competition were key factors in bringing the school together at the Student Faculty Volleyball Game. Before the game, the Family/School Assn. provided a special lunch for all students.  The game was a great opportunity for students and faculty and staff to interact in a relaxed and fun environment. The game ended in a tie.  A big thank-you to all the faculty and students who participated!


Check back to the web site every day to get an update on the activities that took place during the day here at Assumption catholic School.

Monday, January 31, 2011

If you saw the parking lot this morning you may have wondered what the students were wearing on their heads. Many students participated in Crazy Hat Day sponsored by the eighth grade Student Council.  Students had their pictures taken as a group right after morning prayers.

Students gathered at the parish Church to give a proper start to the week with participation in Divine Liturgy, celebrated by our pastor, Father Ivan.

After snack the children in kindergarten and grade one were escorted to the library. Student Council members read their favorite childhood stories to small groups. When one story was finished the groups moved on to the next story.  Student Council members enjoyed reading to the children so much that they said they would like to do it again!

After lunch students in the second and third grade were treated to a movie. The eighth grade changed their classroom into a mini movie theater. They made sure that everyone had a good seat and half way into the movie they were given popcorn and a drink.


On Wednesday, January 26, 2011 the Rutgers Science Bus was once again parked outside Assumption Catholic School. This was the third year that the bus has visited us here at ACS. Students in grades five through eight were taken aboard the bus in small groups where they met graduate school scientists from Rutgers University.

After introductions the two scientists led a discussion on one of our endangered resources, oil. When the discussion was finished, students were led through an activity to get an idea of how oil companies look for places that might yield oil. At the end the students had to “drill” for oil. They tried to make money by using their new skills to read a map and select the best place to look for oil. Each time they were successful in striking oil, they made a profit of four million dollars.  Some students made more than nine million dollars while other groups went bankrupt. In the end, it was a fun day enjoyed by all of the students.

Welcome to the Catholic Schools Week

Assumption Catholic School Open House

Assumption Catholic School in Perth Amboy will host an Open House on Sunday, February 6, from 1pm to 4 pm as part of its Catholic Schools Week celebrations.  The school, located at the corner of Meredith and Jacques Streets, serves students ranging from PreK (4 year old) and Kindergarten to the eighth grade.  Light refreshments, school tours, and a Power Point presentation will be available for prospective parents and students during the Open House.

Middle States Association accredited since 1996, Assumption Catholic provides a small school atmosphere with big school goals.  Students are afforded a progressive academic program enriched by many extra-curricular activities. Before Care and After Care is available. 

Varied activities are planned for Catholic Schools Week.  School-wide activities include Liturgy on Monday, a Carnival on Tuesday, a Pep rally on Wednesday, Faculty vs. Eighth grade Volleyball on Thursday, and a Talent Show on Friday.  Grades 6,7, and 8 will hold a Battle of the Classes, Grades 4 and 5 will be involved in a Scavenger Hunt and a Multiplication Bee, Grades 2 and 3 will be treated to a Movie and Popcorn, while Grades K and 1 will enjoy guest story readers.  Grade 3 will be involved in an Academic Olympics all week.  The Family/School Assn. will provide a special lunch for all students on Wednesday.  The Faculty will host a Pasta Dinner on Thursday, February 3, from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm. All are invited.  Tickets at the door are $10 and $5 for children. 

Please contact 732 826-8721 or for more information about the school, registration, or any of the events.  Visit our website at

CNN specials on Ukraine

CNN's global series i-List takes you to a different country each month. In January, CNN will visit Ukraine and look at changes shaping the country's economy, culture and social fabric.  Please watch the CNN specials on Ukraine highlighting 25 years after Chernobyl.  The times are Fri Jan 21, 6:30 PM, Sat Jan 22, 2:30 PM & 9:30 PM, and Sun Jan 23, 10:30 AM.

Celebrating the Feast of Theophany

The Feast of the Holy Theophany (Epiphany) of our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ is celebrated each year on January 6. The Feast commemorates the Baptism of Christ and the divine revelation of the Holy Trinity. Jesus’ baptism was a defining moment. Immersed in the water of the Jordan, he embraced his vocation. In Jesus’ baptism we are brought into the very heart of two profound mysteries of our faith: firstly, the depth of Jesus’ identification with the human race and, secondly, a revelation of the triune God. The feast day of Theophany  was commemorated at the Assumption Parish with Children’s Liturgy and  the blessing of the waters at the end of the service. .  After the service, Fr. Ivan  blessed the school by sprinkling holy water in every room.  “We ask your blessing on these classrooms, that all who study, learn and teach here may grow in knowledge of you and of one another…”  he prayed aloud. Fr. Ivan’s visit was a wonderful way to begin the New Year at Assumption School! For more information about the ACS, you may contact us by phone at 732-826-8721.

Christmas Luncheon

On Thursday, December 16, grades 6,7,and 8 continued a long – standing (about 15 years) holiday tradition. Students were grouped across the grades to research Christmas celebrations and traditions of a specific country. Each group worked together to create a poster which represented this information, and on the 16th also gave an oral presentation to their classmates

Following the presentations a luncheon of delicious holiday foods and desserts representing these countries was enjoyed by Father Ivan, the faculty, and the students of grades 6,7, and 8. The countries included were: England, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, Poland, and Ukraine.


If you ask any teacher or student about the month of December, they will tell you that it went by too quickly. If you ask them why, they will say that they were as busy as Saint Nicholas before he leaves to deliver presents on December 6. One of the biggest reasons is that besides school work, students practiced extremely hard for the Christmas Program that took place this year on December 21.

Every class participated and made the evening a wonderful gift to parents, families, parishioners, and friends.  Every student helped to make it a joyful experience. Each class decorated a Christmas tree and sticking.  The Class of 2011 used the trees and stockings to decorate the auditorium. The Nativity was also added to the wall to bring “the reason for the season” to the auditorium.

Mr. S. started the evening with a warm welcome and general introduction to the program. The Classes of 2011 and 2012 brought back a tradition in which they sang and danced to the tune of Winter Wonderland to the delight of the audience. They were followed by Kindergarten and grade one singing songs for Baby Jesus.

The next part of the program made students in grade two stars as they performed Christmas Carols both in English and Ukrainian. Students in grade four and five performed together reciting a Christmas poem. They also sang two Christmas songs.

No Christmas program would be complete without giving prayerful recognition to the birth of Jesus Christ. The honor this year was given to the students of grades three, six, seven, and eight. They retold the story through song, narration, and recitation. Our Christmas gift to family and friends was completed with the entire school singing Silent Night, Boh pred veechnee (God Eternal), God Bless All, and finally, We Wish You a Merry Christmas. FSA treated everyone to coffee and cake to end a very Christmas spirited evening.