Live Butterfly Projects

Insects are a great choice to study, as they have a short life cycle. You can study their life cycle, behavior, anatomy, and how different environmental factors affect them. Three weeks ago,  during the  science projects, the school kids used the Butterfly Unit Kit to observe the development of a caterpillar into a butterfly. Caterpillars took approximately 3 weeks to develop into butterflies.

Here Comes Summer!

Time, work and a lot of tender loving care have transformed the back yard of the Assumption School into a garden spot.  Two weeks ago, the weather was nice enough to start pulling weeds and preparing the beds for summer plantings. Many thanks to our dedicated teacher Mrs. Rizkallah for organizing the Garden Club.  There are hundreds of lessons to be learned in the garden. The amazing thing is that it feels less like school work and more like fun. There are so many opportunities for success in a garden which is something that not all kids achieve so readily in a classroom.  Our philosophy is that a little success feeds greater success. A child who learns something new and interesting in the garden will likely bring that enthusiasm to other areas of his life.

Congratulations to Our 2011 Graduates

Our best wishes are extended to our seven school graduates this year:  Leslie Class, Adriana Cruz, Nicole DeJesus, Robert Denton, Nicole Fidalgo, Jonathan Perez, Angel Silva. May God bless all our graduates as you thank God for the gifts He has given you and set your course for further adventures. May you all remain steadfast in your faith and committed to bless the world by the paths you choose. Our Catholic School that has helped raise you in faith and knowledge will always welcome you back home!

Come Enjoy “BINGO”

Come and join us for bingo every Wednesday and Friday Nights at 7:30 p.m.- 9:15 p.m. The door is open at 6:30 p.m.  In September we started the Power Ball Game that often reach $500 a night. You are invited to come have fun, make new friends, and possibly win money, too! There is no smoking in the hall during Bingo games. Bingo is operated on a cash basis. No checks or credit/debit cards are accepted. Our Bingo proceeds support school and parish programs.

Paying Tribute to Mary with Reverence, Love and Respect.

On Friday May 20th,  the Assumption School gather to honor Blessed Mary, the mother of all, at annual May Veneration. Throughout the New Testament, Mary's role in heaven is mentioned. Mary is alluded to as Queen in the book of Revelations. What a joy and consolation it is for us to think that we have such a powerful Queen in heaven, who has access to the treasury of God's graces, and who is both able and willing to dispense them to us according to our needs.  For she is not only the Mother of God but our Mother as well. She always listens to us, she is always close to us, and being Mother of the Son, participates in the power of the Son and in his goodness. We can always entrust the whole of our lives to this Mother, who is not far from any one of us. Hence, let us go to her with confidence, fully convinced that there is no favor or grace that she will not grant us, if it is for the good of our immortal souls.

Spring Fraction Challenge!

Students in the Fabulous Fifth classroom competed against one another by solving fraction problems. Using software, students answered as many problems as they could in a 3-week period. The results? In total, we logged over 4,000 problems and spent over 36 hours practicing math. The following 5th grade students were awarded prizes for the most problems completed and the greatest accuracy: Amarilis Rodriguez, Christopher Wallace, Alton Thompson, Mia Rodriguez and Alex Slavik.

First Confession and First Solemn Communion

Sixteen children of the Assumption School and Parish had First Confession on Friday, May 6, and received First Solemn Holy Communion on Saturday , May 7, 2011. Our sincerest congratulations and best wishes are extended to:  Kayla, Anali, Jayden, Julie, Vinnie, Andrew, Jasmyn, Daisy, Donovan, Kevin, Joseph, Mia, Matthew, Melasia, Vincent and Sofia. We are grateful to all who have assisted these children on their journey of faith. The list includes but is not limited to, their parents, godparents, grandparents, brothers and sisters, school principal, teachers and this year's catechist  Sr. Maria, MSMG.  Thank you for helping to prepare our children for the greatest gift they will ever receive. We can only hope and pray that their parents will provide the opportunities for their children to continue to receive the Holy Eucharist at weekly  Liturgy (Mass).

Garden Club Flower Sale

What better way to say I Love you then with flowers!  The students of Assumption Catholic School were choosing their flowers for their Mother's.  The Garden Club was sponsoring the sale to raise money for weed barrier and the possibility of purchasing a rotor-tiller so they can turn over the soil each spring.  Students in the Eighth grade class made the pots look pretty for their customers as they eager made their choices of geraniums or chrysanthemums.  Meanwhile, seedlings were growing in the Pre-k room.  Beans, tomatoes, and cucumbers were growing in a green house or hydro-phonic station with the help of three goldfish.  We are growing more than just minds over her at Assumption Catholic.

Classes of 2011, 2012, and 2013 Visit Liberty Bell

On Monday, April 11, the Classes of 2011, 2012, and 2013 boarded a school bus with their teachers and chaperones and headed for Philadelphia. They arrived at the visitor center ready for a fun and informational day.

They began their day by boarding a double-decker bus for a tour of the city. They saw many landmarks makes Philadelphia famous, including St Mary’s Cathedral, the house of Betsy Ross, and the famous “Rocky” stairs of the Philadelphia Art Museum. They also saw the Eastern State Penitentiary that housed the infamous Al Capone, as well as beautiful City Hall. Along the way they heard many stories related to all of the sites.

After the tour the group quickly made their way over to Independence Hall where they were given a guided tour by a park ranger. He explained what events happened in each room that led to the birth of our country. Upon completion almost everyone was very hungry, so lunch was next.

After lunch the U. S. mint was the next destination. Here they were given a taste of out national security rules when they had to empty pockets and go through metal detectors. Adults in the group had to show a valid identification. Students then walked through halls showed how coins were made. They were able to look down through glass windows to see pennies and other coins being produced.

The day continued with a quick trip to the place Benjamin Franklin was buried and then on to the Liberty Bell. After those visits they finally boarded the bus for the long trip back home. Everyone arrived back home tired, yet happy. Some of the chaperones have said that they plan on returning to Philadelphia with their families this summer.