Seventh Grade Harnesses Sun

The Class of 2012 was recently seen sitting on the playground with pizza boxes at their feet. What were they doing? They were using the power of the sun to make a long time campfire favorite, s’mores.  How does a pizza box do this you wonder? Students discussed solar power first and then transformed the pizza boxes into solar ovens. It just took aluminum foil, plastic wrap, and a small amount of tape to get the job done. Once they preheated their boxes, they added the ingredients to make a wonderful treat. In a few minutes the sun had melted the chocolate and softened the marshmallow to a gooey consistency. Finally, they were able to eat their creations. They followed up with a discussion on how they could change their oven and what they will experiment with at home.  Hopefully, when they return to school in September they will have new recipes to share.

End of Year Awards

Congratulations to all of our academic award winners! We love and appreciate each and every student at ACS, and we thank our parents for sharing their most precious “possession” , their child(ren), with us. God bless you with many more such awards and recognitions.

Kindergarten Graduation

Our Kindergarten class has graduated to first grade this past Monday.  They had a wonderful program prepared for the proud family and friends. Our kindergarten students have been working so hard this year in their first formal year of instruction. Their enthusiasm for learning and eagerness and energy have been rewarding for their teacher Mrs. Maria Derevenska, aides and all of those who have encountered them throughout the year. As they move on to First Grade may their retain what they have learned and take their thirst for learning with them every step of their education.

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Garden Club Cake

The Assumption Catholic School, Garden Club, ended the year, by sharing a cake that was made to look like a flower pot.  Students had worked very hard to finish the garden, by planting and spreading mulch,  before school ended.   Caring for gardens helps students learn responsibility, according to teacher Mrs. Linda Rizkallah, who oversees the Garden Club at Assumption School.  Garden Club members help with the maintenance, and most of the classes integrate garden activities into lessons.

Live Butterfly Projects

Insects are a great choice to study, as they have a short life cycle. You can study their life cycle, behavior, anatomy, and how different environmental factors affect them. Three weeks ago,  during the  science projects, the school kids used the Butterfly Unit Kit to observe the development of a caterpillar into a butterfly. Caterpillars took approximately 3 weeks to develop into butterflies.

Here Comes Summer!

Time, work and a lot of tender loving care have transformed the back yard of the Assumption School into a garden spot.  Two weeks ago, the weather was nice enough to start pulling weeds and preparing the beds for summer plantings. Many thanks to our dedicated teacher Mrs. Rizkallah for organizing the Garden Club.  There are hundreds of lessons to be learned in the garden. The amazing thing is that it feels less like school work and more like fun. There are so many opportunities for success in a garden which is something that not all kids achieve so readily in a classroom.  Our philosophy is that a little success feeds greater success. A child who learns something new and interesting in the garden will likely bring that enthusiasm to other areas of his life.

Congratulations to Our 2011 Graduates

Our best wishes are extended to our seven school graduates this year:  Leslie Class, Adriana Cruz, Nicole DeJesus, Robert Denton, Nicole Fidalgo, Jonathan Perez, Angel Silva. May God bless all our graduates as you thank God for the gifts He has given you and set your course for further adventures. May you all remain steadfast in your faith and committed to bless the world by the paths you choose. Our Catholic School that has helped raise you in faith and knowledge will always welcome you back home!

Come Enjoy “BINGO”

Come and join us for bingo every Wednesday and Friday Nights at 7:30 p.m.- 9:15 p.m. The door is open at 6:30 p.m.  In September we started the Power Ball Game that often reach $500 a night. You are invited to come have fun, make new friends, and possibly win money, too! There is no smoking in the hall during Bingo games. Bingo is operated on a cash basis. No checks or credit/debit cards are accepted. Our Bingo proceeds support school and parish programs.