Our Assumption Catholic School Family continued the tradition of Friday Liturgy on a very significant day this year. Our beginning of the school year Liturgy was celebrated by Father Ivan on September 11, 2015. Father Ivan spoke to the children about September 11, 2001 and the impact that day had, and still holds on our country. He spoke of the response of prayer and unity that resulted. Earlier in the week the Class of 2016 discussed how li…fe has changed since then. As a result, they came up with a prayer of remembrance of that day which included the hope that God will protect all of those suffering from terrorism. This prayer was recited at the end of our liturgy.
Dear God,
As we mark this tragic day in the history of our country, please help us to remember the innocent souls that you called home to their heavenly reward. Comfort those that have been left behind to grieve. Holy Spirit, please give them the grace to accept this loss.
We ask that you protect those that continue fight against terrorism every day. We ask your protection for those that cannot protect themselves, especially in those countries where terrorism continues to rage.
Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy.