Your Holiness Pope Francis!
On behalf of the students, faculty, and staff of Assumption Catholic School and the parishioners of the Ukrainian Catholic Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, we ask God for His Blessings as you begin shepherding the faithful of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.
Our diverse enrollment was very excited to hear of the choice of a Latin American bishop to ascend to Peter’s throne. Many of our students are of Hispanic descent. As a parish and school that practices our faith in the Eastern rites and traditions, we are blessed in having a truly diverse population. This has enabled us all to better understand the universality of the Church.
Your Holiness, we beseech you to continue to pray for the well-being of the Catholic schools in the United States so that we may continue to educate our youth in our Catholic values.
May the Good Lord Bless You!
The Faithful of the Assumption Catholic School Community