Check back to the web site every day to get an update on the activities that took place during the day here at Assumption catholic School.

Monday, January 31, 2011

If you saw the parking lot this morning you may have wondered what the students were wearing on their heads. Many students participated in Crazy Hat Day sponsored by the eighth grade Student Council.  Students had their pictures taken as a group right after morning prayers.

Students gathered at the parish Church to give a proper start to the week with participation in Divine Liturgy, celebrated by our pastor, Father Ivan.

After snack the children in kindergarten and grade one were escorted to the library. Student Council members read their favorite childhood stories to small groups. When one story was finished the groups moved on to the next story.  Student Council members enjoyed reading to the children so much that they said they would like to do it again!

After lunch students in the second and third grade were treated to a movie. The eighth grade changed their classroom into a mini movie theater. They made sure that everyone had a good seat and half way into the movie they were given popcorn and a drink.